Reality TV Star Jackson Michie joins Team Barebells
10 June, 2020
Big Brother Season 21 Winner to Promote Happy Snacking and Healthy Living. We are proud to welcome reality TV star and influencer Jackson Michie to our brand ambassadors. Committed to fitness and wellness, Michie will join team Barebells a part of his mission to promote physical, mental and overall wellbeing.
Best known for winning Big Brother season 21, Michie has long been invested in fitness and nutrition in his personal life. Post-Big Brother, Michie plans to use his social media influence to help people kick start their fitness journeys to achieve the healthiest version of themselves. Through the launch of an upcoming online fitness coaching platform and supplement line, Michie will provide the masses with proper fitness direction and education, and quality supplement products.
Where and when did try your first Barebells?
It was right when quarantine started and grocery stores were getting wiped out. It was chaos. I needed protein bars so I went to 7-Eleven saw these new protein bars that I don’t usually see. I did my usual fact check, I checked the protein source, macros, and texture of it. I was like alright there is some substance to them. I grabbed one of every flavor, got in my car, and took one bite of Salty Peanut and I was HOOKED. I went home, looked it up on Instagram, and I couldn’t be more excited to be part of this team. Here we are!
What differentiates Barebells from other protein bars?
Not only are they high in protein, and have only 4 g of carbs and 1 g of sugar total, they have 200 calories. The protein source is whey protein which is better than soy protein. Whey is higher quality and better acting, and responds well to the body and that was my immediate sell. But when I took a bite .. It doesn’t taste like chalk it doesn’t have a weird hard texture. You don’t have to microwave before you eat it to make it taste good. They taste like snickers, like oreo, like fudge, they are killer. The flavors are hands down the best part of these protein bars.
You won Big Brother Season 21 and the prize money of $500,000. Congratulations! How did it feel to win?
Its surreal, it’s a show I grow up watching so to be part of it and to walk out after 100 days of lock down and social isolation with the crown on my head is unreal. I am very blessed and fortunate to have walked away a winner, it’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
What is your fitness background and what made you start working out?
I was very overweight growing up, I was bullied in middle school. I had eating disorders and depression that I dealt with. Something just switched in my mind, I wasn’t going to let other people dictate my happiness. I decided to look myself in the mirror and decide I wasn’t going to let myself keep living the way I was living. So ever since then it’s been about being as healthy and active and as happy as possible. I think exercise is one of the best things to overcome the struggles you have internally and show you what you’re made of. For me, fitness has been part of my life and one of the best things I have ever discovered so I want to share that with others. I want to constantly learn from others and share my knowledge and education. I’m always trying to figure out what’s best. I want people who feel like they’re alone to know they do have someone. I have felt alone. I have felt like I have had nobody. I never want anyone else to feel like they don’t have someone to turn to or look up to for support. So if there’s even one person that I can help, then I would consider that a success.
How does protein supplementation in your diet aid in workout recovery and fitness growth?
For me, protein is the foundation of muscle growth. As we exercise it tears down muscle fibers so we need calories, we need sources of protein to regrow and become stronger. Getting those protein sources in your diet is essential. So if you can’t sit down and eat a meal and you can’t get to a blender and mix a protein shake, you just need something to go. No this is not a meal replacement, but it is a great source of protein for convenience and healthy alternative to dessert. It is better in calories and a heck of a lot less fat and sugar.
What does a normal training schedule look like for you?
I don’t know what normal is anymore but usually it’s cardio 2-4x a week, low intensity cardio to keep as much muscle mass as possible. Weight training is a large part of my schedule, I love to pick things up and put them down. But boxing, running on the beach, swimming, any sort of activity I can get done during the day with the busy schedule in Los Angeles, I will take.
How do you get motivated to stay on track with your workouts and fitness goals? How do you motivate others to do the same?
So I always tell myself that every time I take a day off, someone else is working harder. It’s easy to look at this quarantine as a time to chill but someone out there isn’t so we need to get off the couch and get out there.
What fitness and wellness tips can you share for those who want to kick off their fitness journey and start working out for the first time?
Don’t step on a scale. Go by how you feel, and look in the mirror and know that you have to be patient. Don’t look for instant results, it’s not going to happen. You have to stay disciplined and stay focused and know that results will come. Get through those first 2 weeks, through the initial breaking point for your body to get used to the routine and eventually you’ll enjoy working out and look forward to. Don’t step on a scale. Don’t try to get washboard abs in the first 2 weeks. It’s going to take years but you have to start somewhere. Take that first step and know that you’re in the right direction.
Do you get noticed on the street since winning Big Brother? In what ways has your life changed?
Everything. The biggest thing is trying to stay grounded and focused. Remember who I am and stay close to the people close to me. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos of Los Angeles and television and being the winner of a show. All of that doesn’t matter, what matters are the people around you and the people who love and care about you. And staying true to yourself and being happy inside and out. Life isn’t the way it used to be. I am not the 24 year old bartender from Nashville, I don’t have that in my life anymore but I want to remain that person. Especially at airports, Disneyworld, and Los Angeles (and I’m not a celebrity, B-List at best) but people do recognize me. So it’s always a great opportunity, I love talking to people so if anyone wants to say hey I will always entertain a conversation.
Finally, what’s your favorite Barebells flavor?
Salty Peanut, it is SNICKERS in a wrapper.